Arla Organic Milk For Your Ultimate Health

We’ve all heard about organic milk, but what is it exactly that sets Arla Organic Milk apart from other conventional milk? Read on to find out more!

Arla Organic Milk: Peek Into The Real Deal

‘Organic milk’ these days are words that can be easily spotted when shopping for dairy products in grocery stores. Indeed, organic milk differs greatly from the conventional milk products that we’ve grown to consume since childhood. Good news is – Organic milk brands such as Arla Organic milk is now here to bring us much more benefits than before!

If you’re already a conscious consumer on the lookout for organic milk, that’s great! But the next key question that pops up is whether the ones that you deem beneficial truly as “organic” as it claims to be.

If you don’t already know, Arla Organic Milk is 100% European Organic Certified – This means that Arla Organic Milk, including its production process, is 100% organic. Meeting the rigorous criteria of the USDA organic regulations, we reassure you that we take high pride in our milk quality!

So what exactly does ‘organic milk’ mean to us at Arla?

Careful Processing and Handling Methods

You can expect that our dedicated farmers go through zero shortcuts throughout the entire production journey, in order to maintain the nutrients and qualities of organic milk. With thorough and meticulous inspections and processes in place, including the utilisation of ‘quick-freeze technology’, every glass of Arla Organic Milk is guaranteed to reach you as natural and nutritious as nature intended. Of course, to achieve that, harmful chemical methods to rush the production of milk is certainly a ‘no-go’.

Good Animal Welfare

Hence, good animal welfare is also part of our promise. Arla organic milk appreciates good animal welfare. Happy cows are healthy cows, don’t you agree? At our Arla Organic Farm, the cows are treated with a natural lifestyle and high welfare standards are observed – they have huge spaces to graze on genetically modified-free grass and clover and acres of lush green fields to call home because we believe that what the cow consumes affects the quality of milk that the cow produces. With great animal welfare in place, we’re able to deliver quality organic milk to the masses.

No Harmful Ingredients and Chemicals

Our organic milk also means the exclusion of harmful ingredients and chemicals. While a cow’s diet is important, we also see the equal level of importance in prohibiting the use of harmful ingredients and chemicals such as synthetic fertilisers, synthetic pesticides or herbicides, GMOs, additives, growth hormones, preservatives and antibiotics. This is where Arla Organic Milk differs substantially from other conventional milk where antibiotics are used routinely during the production phase.

The Choice is Yours

So does Arla Organic Powdered Milk really make a difference? The answer is yes! Not only can you make a big difference by reducing your exposure to harmful ingredients, but you can also get high-quality organic milk at a fairly affordable price, whilst having the animals’ welfare in mind. Good news is, Arla Organic Powdered Milk is now available at leading supermarkets nationwide, so start savouring all that natural goodness today!

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