Natural and responsible from the farm to your fridge
It’s very simple really. The better we treat the land, the better grass our cows eat, the better they feel. And we believe that happy and healthy cows produce more, and better quality milk – a source of tasty nutrition and natural goodness for everyone. This is what we call “The Chain of Good”.

Pure, honest & nothing but the necessary.
Because Arla is owned by the same farmers that produce our milk, we have full control of the milk’s journey. We know everything about every drop, every step of the way from our farms to your fridge. Our farmers ensure that our naturally tasty Organic range resonates with nature in every bite and sip.

Animal welfare is in our nature

We love our cows and know that the happier and healthier they are, the better we’re doing. Our organic cows graze outdoors whenever possible on grass, and clover where no artificial fertilisers or herbicides are used – and we do whatever we can to keep them happy.

Our farmland is our source of life. So it’s only natural to keep it full of life.
Organic goodness starts from the fields which is why our cows graze on grass that is free from pesticides, herbicides or artificial fertilisers. Instead we rely on crop rotation, well-timed cultivation, careful selection of crop varieties and biodiversity. It’s simple. But when working with nature, we find simple is the best way.

We are farmers.
We are organic.
Check out all of the great Organic products available from us.